So during my last visit to I thought I aced a test. How to create my own name servers with my domain in Namecheap and use them in Binil’s cPanel account. Unknown to me however, in between when I successfully added the name servers two months ago and checking my Website today, Binil’s cPanel IP last two digits had changed.
So roll up to today, first I was unable to get into the Website. IP was dead. So first thought the service was no more. But then when I checked Binil’s Discussion Forum it was easy to get into the Forum, and there had been no notifications to indicate the status had changed. I was also able to get into cPanel as I had before. Everything was working as it should. I tested my Database in cPanel, that worked. Domain looked OK. So then went out and used my trusted DNS Inspect tool, and it flunked my domain as IP not working.
Next I checked up my Domain host Namecheap account, and finally discovered that Binil’s cPanel IP last two digits had changed. I then went into my Advanced Setup at Namecheap, changed my two name server IPs I had created during the previous time, and finally was able to get into the Website after waiting a few minutes. Although with some difficulty, as Fox and Chrome were unhappy with Certificates, and were having anxiety attacks, before allowing me to get to the Website at my own risk!
Then went back to cPanel and got a refresher experience in the Security/ Let’s Encrypt certificate section. First link to check was Security/SSL/TLS. Then when I chose the default key type and saved it things started to look up. The RunAutoSSL Tab was available again when I checked in SSL/TLS status. Previous to fixing the default key type the AutoSSL was unavailable. Once the default key was fixed, I don’t think it was even necessary to click on AutoSSL as cPanel is very clever and would have done it intuitively.
So after this experience, everything was fixed. I was then able to update all of my Plugins and Templates. As well as update to a new WordPress Version. Feels like WordPress Versions are happening more frequently, and every time take up more space, and plugins become more complicated. WordFence in particular is growing into a monster. I guess that must be a sign of the times.
I actually enjoyed this troubleshooting exercise. Tripped me up a little, but gave me a nice exercise in cPanel and proved what a wonderful tool it is. Also very happy with my Namecheap account that allows me to create my own name servers with my domains.
Thanks to Binil for still making this wonderful free quality cpanel hosting account available to us. This is MUCH appreciated!